Added: 10 September, 2007
Group: 3D studio max
Learn how to create chair using 3D studio max
page: 1
Creating a chair object in 3D max part 1
Starting with the basics, a simple chair will help you understand 3D studio max exploring its numerous creating options.
Create a box, select top polygon and inset it. Then select edges like on picture and connect them (2segments).

Now you must select four edges and connect them (two segments again).

Select four polygons.

And extrude them.

Connect like on picture.

Extrude it.

Now select three edges on every leg.

Click connect and you’ll get this.

Now connect those new edges(two segments).

Select gained polygons and click bridge button.

We created first part of the chair. Now use connect to create a line and move it like on picture.

Connect edge of the chair and new line (two segments) and chamfer those new lines(like on picture).

Bevel new polygons.

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