Added: 15 September, 2007
Group: Maya
Create a coffee cup in Maya
page: 2
Coffee cup model done in Maya part 2
Select two isoparms and detach surface:
Select second part and delete it:
Now duplicate it for 3 times with 90 degree rotation in Y axis:
Select isoparm and move it to corner for two surfaces:
And attach it:
Attach another surface also:
So now we have one object:
GO to: Page 1 : Coffee cup model done in Maya part 1
GO to: Page 2 : Coffee cup model done in Maya part 2
GO to: Page 3 : Coffee cup model done in Maya part 3
GO to: Page 4 : Coffee cup model done in Maya part 4 This tutorial is copyrighted. Partial duplication or full duplication is prohibited and illegal. Translation or usage of any kind without author�s permission is illegal.
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