Added: 25 September, 2007
Group: Photoshop
Creating a cigarette using Adobe Photoshop
Author: Photoshoper
page: 1

Create Cigarrete in Adobe Photoshop part 1

Tutorial Create Cigarrete in Adobe Photoshop part 1 1

Open a new Document

1.Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool(M) and

Tutorial Create Cigarrete in Adobe Photoshop part 1 2

2.Make the basic shape selection of the cigarette, right click on the selection and choose Layer via Copy and I've name it "base"

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3.Now to see the "base"- color the background with gray or something like this- double click on the foreground color window, choose desired color and use Paint Bucket Tool(G)
to fill the Background

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4.Duplicate the base layer(right click on it> Duplicate Layer) and name it "filter".
Use the Magic Wand Tool(W) and click on the white "base" to select it

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5.Choose the color for the filter and fill the selection with Paint Bucket Tool(G)
Hit CTRL+D to deselect it,

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5,1 and use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the part of this layer that you don't need,

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5,2 and erase it with Eraser Tool(E), hit again CTRL+D to deselect it( if you want to change the color again, as you will see that I did, just use again the Magic Wand Tool, and paint the selection with another color)

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6.Right click on the "base" layer> Blending Options and set the parameters as following

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and set also these parameters for the "filter" layer

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7.Filter> Noise> Add Noise and set the parameters something like that, and repeat this with the "filter" layer but with lower Amount

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8. now its time to give this cigarette the realistic look by applying the lines, we must make a Pattern: Open a new document with Size 10x8 pixels, zoom it to the max and pick the Pencil Tool

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8,1 draw a black line in the middle,

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8,2go to Edit> Define Pattern> I've named it "lines"

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8,3 go to Blending Options> Pattern Overlay, find this new Pattern and set the parameters like this

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9.Duplicate the "filter" layer and take Brush Tool, set the foreground color to lighter, choose small brush and brush some spots like on a real cigarette (if the color is to bright-you can always lower the Opacity of this layer)

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