Added: 18 October, 2007
Group: Photoshop
Car tuning photoshop tutorial mini
Author: Photoshoper
page: 1
Create Mini Photoshop tuning
Tune your car in photoshop and create a mini from regular one.

1. Open a car that you want to transform into a mini-car

2. Ctrl+A to select the whole picture, and then choose Edit>Transformation>Scale to squeeze the photo

3. Drag on one tiny middle square to resize it to your choice, and hit Enter to apply the Transformation

4. CTRL+D to deselect it

5. Select the crop tool, draw the line around the car as on the photo and hit Enter, save the new car-image but rename it.

6. Open again the normal car picture and using the Rectangular Marquee Tool(M) select the area around the Wheel of the original car

7. Drag the original wheel, and place it over the squeezed one

8. Use the Eraser Tool(E),select the smooth brush and erase the area around the wheel to fit best into the mini car, and find the proper position to place the wheel

9.Do the same with the front Wheel, go to Layer>Flatten Image

Here is your Toy-Car
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