Added: 27 October, 2007
Group: Poser
Working with clothes in Poser
page: 2

Work with cloth part 2

10. From library of poses chosen any pose, I have chosen Walking> Walking> Walk 01:

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 1

11. Go to Cloth:

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 2

12. One button "New Simulation" is now accessible only - press it. We enter a group name, check Cloth Self-Collision, Drape frames input 10:

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 3

13. Now we need to transform a dress into cloth object, for this press Clothify:

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 4

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 5

15. Now our model is ready for calculations, press Calculate Simulation:

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 6

16. Calculation of fabric will begin:

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 7

17. On the end of calculation the dress will "slide" on a foot:

Tutorial Work with cloth part 2 8

Thats all for working with clothes in poser.

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